Future Leaders

The Association Consulting Engineers of Botswana (ACEB) has established the Future Leaders Forum, comprising enthusiastic and dedicated young professionals with a passion for the engineering industry. Their primary goal is to ensure the sustainability and advancement of the profession.

In line with FIDIC’s definition, a Future Leader (FL) is considered the guiding force for the next generation’s leadership. They play a crucial role as the talent pipeline for the consulting engineering industry. Hence, it is of utmost importance to keep these Future Leaders actively involved within the consulting engineering community.

The inspiration for creating this forum emerged during the FIDIC conference in 2013. Its purpose is to elevate the industry by fostering the generation of innovative ideas. These ideas aim to assist, promote, and tackle any challenges that the industry may encounter, with a strong emphasis on providing effective solutions. Furthermore, the forum serves as a platform for capacity building among Future Leaders and facilitates opportunities for knowledge sharing among professionals and member firms.

ACEB Future Leaders Council

Samantha Kobole


Obonye Motokwane


Una Logolong

Membership Committee Lead

Laone Morebodi

Business Development Committee Lead

Nametso Molokoane

Mentorship Committee Lead

Keletso Masie

Networking Committee Lead